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Introducing the Mass Zero Waste Caucus

Tuesday, April 6, 2021
4:00 pm5:00 pm
Zoom Meeting

Join us for a Zoom meeting with Rep. Michelle Ciccolo, co-chair of the Zero Waste Caucus in the Massachusetts State Legislature. The Zero Waste Caucus works in a bi-partisan manner to reduce and eliminate solid waste in Massachusetts through legislative action, state and local collaboration, information gathering, education, and public outreach.

Volunteers from Keep Massachusetts Beautiful and other organizations spend countless hours every year cleaning up after the thoughtless people among us who litter the Massachusetts landscape. While we appreciate our volunteers’ efforts, we know that simply cleaning up after litterers is not a long-term solution to this problem. We also need to reduce the volume of single-use plastic and disposable packaging of all types and adopt a zero-waste approach statewide.

Currently, 32 house members and 11 senators have joined the Zero Waste Caucus. If your state representative or senator is not a member, we encourage you to reach out and ask them to join.

This session will go for 30-45 minutes, with approximately 15 minutes for audience questions. If you would like to submit questions in advance, please email them to We’ll also record this discussion and post it on our YouTube channel.

To participate, please click the Register button in the top right-hand corner of this page to access the Zoom link.

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