Enjoy the Benefits of Having a Local KMB Chapter in Your Community
At Keep Massachusetts Beautiful, we provide the support your community needs to launch and sustain a successful local chapter. We provide hands-on support and guidance to help you get organized, pursue your mission, and achieve success over the long term. Using our proven programs and resources, you and your team can build a cleaner, greener, more beautiful community.
Here are two ways to learn more about what is involved in launching a Keep Massachusetts Beautiful chapter:
- Download our Guide to Launching and Running a Successful KMB Chapter
- Contact us to set up a personalized call or presentation
We provide a range of support services to our local chapters, including:
- Creation of your chapter logo
- Creation of a dedicated chapter page on the Keep Massachusetts Beautiful website (or help with creating your own website)
- Creation and delivery of a customized chapter e-newsletter
- Creation and ongoing support for your chapter's social media presence
- Eligibility for a local high school student to apply for a $2,500 KMB Next-Gen Environmental Leader Scholarship
- Eligibility to apply for an annual $2,500 Plant Something Bee-eautiful grant
- Eligibility for annual tree-planting, public space recycling bin, and other grants through Keep America Beautiful
- Assistance with creating and executing fundraising campaigns, including online donations through Keep Massachusetts Beautiful's website
- Fiscal sponsorship services
- Logistical and planning support for local Great Massachusetts Cleanup events
- Assistance with public relations efforts
- Liability insurance coverage
- KMB executive director attendance at one or more of your local chapter meetings each year
Local chapters can choose a package of support services that best meets their needs in exchange for modest annual dues.
Contact us to learn more about the benefits of forming a Keep Massachusetts Beautiful chapter in your community.