Our list of green links includes local, regional, national, and international organizations focused on litter prevention and cleanup, recycling, beautification, and other related environmental causes.
Keep Massachusetts Beautiful Local Chapters
Recycling & Product Stewardship
Learn what goes in your recycling bin and what does not with the Recyclopedia tool.
A nationally recognized day dedicated to promoting and celebrating recycling in the United States.
Visit Call2Recycle for a comprehensive guide to batter recycling.
An online resource for recycling, reusing, or repurposing items that don't belong in your household recycling bin in Massachusetts.
Find package-free and environmentally friendly products and services in the Boston area.
CRI’s mission is to make North America a global model for the collection and quality recycling of packaging materials.
With an understanding of what to look for and how the fashion industry impacts the environment, consumers can make smarter choices in the interest of sustainability.
Connect with more than 400 recyclers, haulers, processors, and donation outlets that accept specific materials from businesses and institutions in Massachusetts for reuse, recycling, composting, or anaerobic digestion.
21 great tips to waste less food!
A non-profit organization that addresses gaps in the glass recycling supply chain across the United States.
Learn how to properly dispose of 25 chemicals, materials, and products commonly found in the home.
How to Advocate for a Bigger, Better Bottle Bill in Massachusetts.
Statewide working group for municipalities and volunteers working to implement waste reduction programs in K-12 Schools.
The Reduce and Reuse Action Plan is part of the state's 2030 Solid Waste Master Plan and focuses on reducing or phasing out difficult to recycle materials and increasing reuse and donation opportunities.
MassDEP provides the overall framework, direction, and goals for solid waste reduction and management policy in Massachusetts.
Information about recycling, donation, and household hazardous waste programs and services in your community or area.
A nonprofit coalition dedicated to increasing recycling in Massachusetts.
A nonprofit organization formed by the mattress industry to operate recycling programs in states that have passed mattress recycling laws.
This guide shows you how you can dispose of, reuse, or repurpose your mattress in an eco-friendly way.
The EPA encourages everyone to use pharmaceutical take-back programs that accept unwanted household medicines.
A multi-state non-profit whose programs emphasize source reduction, reuse, recycling, composting, environmentally preferable purchasing (EPP), and decreasing toxicity of the solid waste stream.
PaintCare makes it easy to recycle leftover, unwanted paint in states that have passed paint stewardship laws.
Search the Drug Disposal Locator Tool for permanent drug disposal boxes in your area.
PSI brings the public and private sectors together to solve the toughest municipal waste management problems.
Find recycling drop-off locations, access practical recycling information, and connect with recycling organizations across North America.
A recycling assistance program that helps businesses and institutions maximize recycling, reuse, and composting opportunities.
Resources for Massachusetts recycling businesses including state business assistance, workforce development and job training programs
Helping member towns improve their recycling programs and reduce the cost of disposal by managing their solid waste programs efficiently.
Catalyzing improvements through leveraged seed grants, partnerships, and its extensive reach to spark commitment, investment, and standards across the system.
Reuse: Organizations That Accept Donations of Used Items
Find a Massachusetts nonprofit that will pick up your donations for free!
Each year, Household Goods furnishes over 2,500 homes with 60,000 pieces of furniture and smaller household items.
No donated items are sold. Furniture is given away free of charge to local families in need.
Environmentally responsible green logistics - reducing waste on both a project-based and contractual basis.
The Ripplfect mobile app makes it easy to save money and the planet. Once you purchase a Rippl tumbler, download the mobile app, register your tumbler, and bring it to cafes to get rewards.
Environmental Education Organizations
Workshops, camps, and curriculum to inspire children to achieve academic success and become mindful participants in creating a healthier and more sustainable future.
By being aware of how you use water, what you toss in the trash, how you drive, and how you use energy around the home, you can take simple steps to prevent pollution.
A Massachusetts statewide working group for municipalities and volunteers working to implement waste reduction programs in K-12 schools.
A quick guide on why recycling is important, and how to begin introducing recycling and reuse principles into your children's lives.
An interactive educational program that empowers Massachusetts students and teachers to help the environment through waste reduction, recycling, composting, energy conservation and pollution prevention.
Tools to help you bring local food and food education to your community.
Developing the next generation of environmental leaders through education, project-based learning and community service.
Passionately creating sustainable oceans and communities by educating through action.
Massachusetts & New England Environmental Organizations
The Charles River Cleanup is one of the largest Earth Day Cleanups in the country!
Building a clean, resilient Charles River.
Action today so future generations can enjoy ocean activities.
This nonprofit is working to clean up and protect the Merrimac River.
Clean Water Action works to enact strong health and environmental protections by bringing issue expertise, solution-oriented thinking and people power to the table.
COASTSWEEP is the statewide beach cleanup sponsored by the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM). Cleanups are held from late August into November each year.
Community Action Works believes that environmental threats are big, but the power of well-organized community groups is bigger.They work side by side with everyday people to confront those who are polluting and harming the health of our communities.
Collaborating with partners across four states to prevent pollution, improve habitat, and promote the enjoyment of the Connecticut River and its tributary streams.
Ecological News for Rhode Island and Southeastern Massachusetts.
The Environmental League of Massachusetts (ELM) is committed to combating climate change and protecting our land, water, and public health.
Coalition of Massachusetts based garden clubs
Inspiring people to action across the Commonwealth, on behalf of native plants and the diversity of life they support.
An East Boston non-profit working to build equitable and sustainable coastal community resiliency and environmental stewardship.
Build Stronger Communities & Keep Rhode Island Litter Free!
Where to buy goods in bulk to avoid unnecessary packaging.
Protecting the nature of Massachusetts for people and for wildlife.
CET will help you reduce your environmental impact, be more comfortable, save money, and improve business performance.
DCR opertes one of the largest state parks systems in the country. Its 450,000 acres is made up of forests, parks, greenways, historic sites and landscapes, seashores, lakes, ponds, reservoirs and watersheds
Tools to help you bring local food and food education to your community
This website compiles resources and best practices drawn from the experience of municipalities in Massachusetts and elsewhere to help your community live more sustainably.
Access a list of "friends" groups that you can join to support Massachusetts Department of Conservation & Recreation (DCR) parks and properties.
An organization of Massachusetts municipalities that is seeking to shift the responsibility of managing discarded products from cities and towns to the producers who design and market them.
Protecting and restoring Massachusetts' rivers and streams.
Protecting the Massachusetts environment with successful legislative, advocacy, and educational campaigns.
A nonprofit working to clean up and protect Boston's Muddy River.
Protecting the water, wildlife and land of the Neponset River and Watershed.
Park Serve Day gives Massachusetts residents the chance to help clean and prepare state parks and beaches for the summer recreation season.
A project of the Massachusetts Nursery and Landscape Association, Plant Something MA provides information to help Massachusetts residents plant gardens, trees, and flowers, including bee-friendly pollinators.
Bringing tree equity to Boston. Their mission is to celebrate, preserve, and plant trees in Boston.
An all-volunteer environmental group dedicated to protecting our local ocean, waves, and beaches, and increasing public awareness of these important natural resources.
National & International Environmental Organizations & Programs
A nonprofit conservation and education organization that inspires people to plant, nurture, and celebrate trees.
Information to educate people about the destructive effects released balloons have on animals, people, and the planet.
A global movement envisioning a future free from plastic pollution.
Earth Day Network works year round to solve climate change, to end plastic pollution, to protect endangered species, and to broaden, educate, and activate the environmental movement across the globe.
This organization hosts ocean cleanups all over the world, both above and below the water, to raise awareness and change behavior.
We inspire and educate people to take action every day to improve and beautify their community environment.
Join the community identifying, mapping, and collecting the world's litter.
Displaying these large scale visual messages in public places provokes response, thought and action.
Be a part of history by pledging to clean up a trail or volunteering at a trail service project on National Trails Day.
Showcasing ideas for tackling littering from around the world.
Working to protect the ocean from today’s greatest global challenges.
A global alliance working toward a world free of plastic pollution and its toxic impacts on humans, animals, waterways, oceans, and the environment.
Promoting the health of pollinators critical to food and ecosystems through conservation, education, and research.
The Reuse Marketplace is a free waste exchange service open to everyone and specializing in commercial and institutional items and materials.
A national nonprofit that helps citizens safeguard the scenic qualities of America’s roadways, countryside, and communities.
A community of everyday people who passionately protect the ocean, waves, and beaches that provide us so much enjoyment.