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Support Our Cause

Can We Count on Your Company's Support for a Cleaner, Greener Massachusetts?

We have raised $36,297.00 of our $50,000.00  goal.


business sponsor donations

Invest in a Cleaner, Greener Massachusetts!

Earn public recognition for supporting Keep Massachusetts Beautiful

Thank you for supporting our vision of a cleaner, greener, litter-free Massachusetts!

We are seeking to develop long-term partnerships with community-minded Massachusetts businesses. If your company wants to protect our state’s natural beauty and make a positive impact on the environmental health of the communities in which you operate, please select a support level that best matches your budget. Your support will help accelerate and expand our efforts across Massachusetts.

Our Mission: Taking action to make Massachusetts a cleaner, greener, litter-free place to live, work, and play.

The two most important words in our mission statement above are “taking action.” We focus on getting people actively involved to improve their communities through community cleanups, beautification projects, and environmental education. We also encourage local business and government leaders to take an active role in these efforts.

Together with our network of local KMB chapters and other nonprofit groups, our volunteers annually remove 200+ tons of trash and litter from the Massachusetts landscape. With your support, we can grow these efforts and implement new programs to reduce waste, prevent litter, and create a more beautiful Commonwealth.

Beyond the obvious physical benefits of cleaning up littered landscapes and beautifying communities, KMB's community improvement programs bring residents together for a common cause, help build community connections, and nurture community pride.

Thank you for your sponsorship!

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Designate your donation to Keep Massachusetts Beautiful or the Clean Coast Coalition
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Prefer to donate via check?

If you prefer to donate via check, please make your check payable to Keep Massachusetts Beautiful and mail to:

Keep Massachusetts Beautiful
Attn. Andrew Bank, Treasurer
43 Old Stable Drive
Mansfield, MA 02048