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We collaborate with volunteers, business partners, and government leaders to take action and make Massachusetts a cleaner, greener place to live, work, and play. Get involved today.

NATIONAL PUBLIC LANDS DAY – Fourth Saturday in September

Every Fourth Saturday in September

National Public Lands Day (NPLD) is the nation’s largest, single-day volunteer effort for public lands.

This fee-free day in many federally managed lands encourages visitors to volunteer conservation or enjoy hiking, exploring, fishing or camping their favorite public lands. Volunteers give back by repairing trails, collecting trash or other maintenance needed around the parks.

Our public lands offer outdoor and open spaces for us to explore all year long. Every season, they provide a beautiful bounty of wildlife and nature to explore. We hike the trails, camp, and picnic with family and friends. Some of us have lists of places to visit. There are plenty of vistas to discover all across the country.

It’s important to keep them pristine for generations to come. Whether the beach calls or the mountains, each one requires us to take care of it.

HOW TO OBSERVE #PublicLandsDay
Visit your favorite public land and volunteer. Join an event near you and show your support. We even have a list of the 7 Best Public Lands in the Country for you to check out on our website. While we know there are more, we think these are a few you might want to explore.

*Find out more about how you can participate by visiting and use #NPLD or #PublicLandsDay to post on social media.

National Public Lands Day began in 1994 and keeps the promise of the Civilian Conservation Corps, the “tree army” that worked from 1933-1942 to preserve and protect America’s natural heritage.

  • 2024 Year-to-Date Cleanup Events


  • 2024 Year-to-Date Volunteer Hours


  • 2024 Year-to-Date Pounds of Litter Removed


  • 2024 Year-to-Date Tons of Litter Removed


  • 2024 Year-to-Date Value of Volunteer Services


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