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What We Do

We collaborate with volunteers, business partners, and government leaders to take action and make Massachusetts a cleaner, greener place to live, work, and play. Get involved today.

Save Money with Sustainability

Thursday, February 22, 2024
1:00 pm2:00 pm
Free Webinar Series

Attention food and beverage processors - including breweries & bakeries! Free Webinar Series for you!

Join this series to learn from experts about sustainability opportunities for food and beverage processors, hear from businesses that have already taken action, and connect with programs that provide the free one on one support your business needs!

Event Held January to June 2024, fourth Thursday of every month, 1-2pm.

  • 2024 Year-to-Date Cleanup Events


  • 2024 Year-to-Date Volunteer Hours


  • 2024 Year-to-Date Pounds of Litter Removed


  • 2024 Year-to-Date Tons of Litter Removed


  • 2024 Year-to-Date Value of Volunteer Services


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Thank You To Our Business Sponsors!