Lee's 5th Annual Greener Gateway Cleanup
This April marks the 50th anniversary of Earth Day. Given the state of the world and the effects we're already seeing of a warming climate, celebrating Earth Day this year is more important than ever.
Our Committee will be holding its Fifth Annual Greener Gateway Roadside Cleanup April 25th. Our cleanup will be coordinated with other initiatives during that time at the state and national levels.
To that end, we've entered into a partnership agreement with DC-based Earth Day Network's Great Global Cleanup. We are also aware that others want to carry out activities locally to celebrate the anniversary and to encourage citizens, organizations, businesses, and others to initiate or ramp-up efforts to benefit our corner of the planet. We will collaborate with them as appropriate and will provide information as it becomes available.
At a minimum, please save the date - April 25th, from 9 am to noon - for our roadside cleanup and help us KEEP LEE CLEAN!!
Thank you in advance!