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Saturday, April 24, 2021
7:00 am7:00 pm
VARIOUS LOCATIONS: You will be able to choose your location when you sign up!

Cleanup Day Enthusiasts~

Thank you for your interest in Sudbury Cleanup Day! While COVID-19 has made it necessary to exercise additional precautions, the next SUDBURY CLEANUP DAY is scheduled for SATURDAY, APRIL 24, 2021.

How it Works
1. Sign Up - Participants sign up to Adopt a Street for cleanup. On Saturday, April 24, 2021, volunteers clean up litter in the area(s) they selected.

2. Clean Up - Gather your cleanup supplies (any large garbage bag will do) and follow safety guidelines (gloves, insect repellent and more - please read carefully) during cleanup. Then head to your adopted area, and bag up litter along the roadside/park area.

3. Stay Safe - Please observe social distancing guidelines: stay at least 6 feet away from others, wear a face covering and do not gather in a large group.

4. Prep for Pickup - Place the bagged litter in one consolidated pile at a visible area along your adopted route, preferably at the intersection of two streets whenever possible. DPW crew will pick up bagged litter during the week of April 26. PLEASE NOTE: Only bags left along adopted routes can be picked up.

That's it! Sudbury's roads and parks will be cleaner and healthier thanks to your efforts!

SIGN UP TODAY! – Please visit the Cleanup Day link below to sign up and learn more.

Thank you again for helping to keep Sudbury looking its best!