Great Barnstable Cleanup
Come join with your family, friends, and neighbors to give the town of Barnstable a thorough spring cleaning! This cleanup event offers volunteers the opportunity to get some fresh air while cleaning up the litter that has accumulated in Barnstable over the past several months. Together, we can keep Barnstable beautiful!
The Great Barnstable Cleanup is scheduled for Saturday, May 22 from 9:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. Volunteers should report to the Barnstable High School Parking Lot, 744 W Main St, Hyannis, MA 02601, any time between 9:15 a.m. and 12 p.m. on May 22.
If you have any questions, please email us at
Due to COVID-19, all volunteers are urged to follow these safety guidelines:
• Practice physical distancing and keep 6 feet apart
• Wear rubber-lined gloves, use proper technique when removing gloves, and sanitize hands immediately upon completing your cleanup
• Use a trash grabber tool (Keep Massachusetts Beautiful has tools to lend out)
• Wear a face covering if you are unable to stay physically distant
• Wear brightly colored clothing, clean up in the direction of oncoming traffic, and avoid stepping into the street whenever possible
Please click the link below to register.
This event is being co-hosted by Pick Up Mass and Keep Massachusetts Beautiful.