Mendon-Upton Community Clean Up

Earth Day Mendon/Upton Community Clean Up
Our two beautiful communities take pride each year with resident volunteers picking up litter on our streets, parks, and waterways to maintain our beautiful towns. See details below for where to meet and pick up supplies. Don't forget to register via the links below and post a photo of your cleanup to social media using hashtag #MendonUptonCleanup2022!
Kick-Off Event - Sat. 4/23 9am-12:30pm
Clough School
10 North Ave.
Pick up supplies at:
Custom Home Realty
32 Hastings St., Suite 201
first floor vestibule, adjacent to the Muffin House
Kick-Off Event- Sat. 4/23 9am-12:30pm
15 Milford St.
Pick up supplies at:
Upton Town Library Vestibule
2 Main St.
Tues-Thurs 10am-8pm, Fri/Sat 10am-4pm
Important safety tips:
- Wear rubber latex work or garden gloves and bright colored clothing (including long pants and sleeves) and use safety vest if available.
- Use a trash grabbing tool if possible.
- Clean up in the direction of oncoming traffic and closely supervise children.
- If you find a needle, syringe, or any drug paraphernalia, DO NOT TOUCH. Contact the police with location info.
- Immediately after the cleanup, wash your hands and arms and change your clothes. Also, do a tick check.
- Do not pick up trash in poison ivy unless you have a grabbing tool; if you are unfamiliar with what it looks like, please find a photo online.
Leave your filled bags on the side of the road at your registered location and the Highway Department / DPW will pick them up.
Thank you for helping to keep Mendon & Upton clean and green!