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Wakefield Spring Clean Up!

Saturday, May 7, 2022
10:00 am12:00 pm
Galvin Middle School

The theme of the 2021/2022 cleanups is “Wakeup Wakefield.” This theme is a call to action to the Town of Wakefield regarding the obscene amount of litter covering our streets and nature reserves and that simple, daily acts of prevention, like helping a friend make positive choices or supporting a family member in need, can lead to healthier lives for each of us today, and stronger, happier communities, tomorrow.

Wake Up Wakefield cleanups by the Warrior Cleanup Crew will be around the town of Wakefield on April 30th at Woodville Elementary, May 7th at Galvin Middle School, and May 14th at the Lower Common of Lake Quannapowitt followed by a Spring Clean Up Party at 1:00 pm at the Lower Common (rain date May 22nd). All cleanups start at 10:00 am. *Please register for your cleanup of choice via the link below.

Community sponsors are the primary source of funding for this event and will help ensure its success. You can provide support in the following ways:

• Be a Co-Sponsor or Event Supporter through a monetary donation. Your company logo will be placed on materials to promote the event.

• Donate

• Participate on our planning committee.

• Volunteer at the event.

• Sponsor or host an event at your facility.

• Provide information to clients or patrons about the daily themes of the Warrior Cleanup Crew.

Thank you!