Neponset River Cleanup 2022
The Neponset River Watershed Association (NepRWA), along with an extraordinary group of partners, is sponsoring its Annual Neponset River Fall Cleanup on Saturday, September 17th. Multiple cleanup sites have been designated for Canton, Dedham, Dorchester, Hyde Park, Mattapan, Milton, Norwood, Quincy, and Walpole.
About the Cleanup:
Join hundreds of fellow volunteers as we spread out across the Neponset River Watershed for our annual fall cleanup!
We will provide trash bags, trash tongs, rakes, shovels, gloves, hand sanitizer, and bug spray. Please plan to bring hats, sunscreen, water, snacks — and any favorite work gloves (we will also have gloves on-site for you.) Long pants and closed-toed shoes are recommended for terrain and poison ivy. You can choose the site you wish to be at when you register.
Volunteers of all ages, skill levels, and physical abilities are needed to help with this important event. An adult must accompany children under the age of 12. Pre-registration is required.
“Our cleanups make a big difference in areas along the Neponset River, local streams and ponds, and parks. The work that the volunteers do is incredibly helpful in creating better habitats for wildlife and improving recreational access. Plus, it just makes everything look nicer for our communities,” said NepRWA River Restoration Director, Sean McCanty.
More information about the event, including registration, can be found on the NepRWA website via the link below.
For any questions, please contact NepRWA Environmental Fellow, Eleanor Yeomans.
Supporters of the Neponset River Cleanup include:
MA Dept. of Conservation & Recreation (DCR) | Deloitte | Belnel Neighborhood Association | Friends of the Blue Hills | City of Boston Parks and Recreation | Edgewater Neighborhood Association | Friends of the Boston Harbor Walk | Greater Boston Trout Unlimited | Quincy Asian Resources, Inc. | Earthwatch | GZA | American Rivers | Canton DPW | Milton DPW | Norwood DPW