COASTSWEEP Winter Island Cleanup!
Hello COASTSWEEP Volunteers!
The Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM) is kicking off COASTSWEEP 2022, the annual statewide coastal cleanup effort that is part of the International Coastal Cleanup organized by Ocean Conservancy. Thank you for your past efforts and welcome aboard if this is your first cleanup!
The COASTSWEEP beach cleanup lists have been posted on the COASTSWEEP website at More will be added every week. Please be sure to contact the cleanup coordinator to let him or her know you are coming.
Thank you for your interest in COASTSWEEP.
PS - If you do not see a cleanup in your area, you can organize your own cleanup. Cleanup coordinators choose a location and time for a cleanup and organize the volunteers. Cleanups can be held into November. CZM provides the supplies (trash bags, gloves, etc.) and will work with you to make sure you have a successful cleanup. See Information for Cleanup Coordinators for details.