Beautify Brewster Day
The 12th Annual Beautify Brewster Day is set to bring the community together to honor Earth Day and prepare for Brewster in Bloom!
*Time – Volunteers can start at 8 am but no later than 10 am
*Supplies – Vests, waiver forms, data sheets, sign-in sheets, and bags will be available
*Bags – Yellow bags will be for trash, clear bags will be for recyclable plastic, metal & glass containers (clean, whole containers only), white bag will be for nips. WHEN IN DOUBT, THROW IT OUT!
*Data Collection forms – Responding to feedback in 2023, we have simplified the data forms this year to make them easier and more meaningful.
*Volunteers work in groups of three. 1-person to record data, 1-person will collect the recycle/carry the recycle bag, 1-person will collect the trash/carry the trash bag. Rotate people whenever necessary.
*Support Team – The Brewster DNR will be on the road to help collect full bags and hand out additional bags.
An appreciation lunch will be served at 12:30 pm for all clean-up volunteers.
For more information contact Ryan Burch ( or Meg Morris (
Cleanup organized by Brewster Department of Natural Resources and The Cape Cod Anti-Litter Coalition
Hope to see you there! With your help, we can create a litter free Brewster!