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Thanks for joining the Massachusetts Litter Cleanup Crew!

volunteers cleaning up litter on Cape Cod

Litter Prevention & Cleanup

Litter Cleanup Crew Pledge Sheet

Take the pledge to keep your Massachusetts community litter-free

First Name *
Last Name *
Do you want us to ship you a Litter Cleanup Kit?
Please complete this section only if you are requesting a cleanup kit
Address Line 1
Address Line 2
Postal Code
Tee Shirt Size
Litter Grabber Tool Choice
Please indicate which Litter Grabber Tool you prefer
Note: If you select the Deluxe Garbo Grabber Tool, we require a minimum donation of $25. The minimum donation for the standard tool is $20.
Would you like to receive our e-newsletter to stay informed about litter prevention and cleanup efforts here in Massachusetts?
Process Your Donation
Please process a donation of $30 or more by clicking on the Donate button in the upper right hand corner of this website

I hereby release Keep Massachusetts Beautiful Inc., and its directors, officers, contractors, employees, or agents from all liability, claims, loss, damage, expenses and/or injuries, whether to person or to property, which may result from my participation in Keep Massachusetts Beautiful Inc. volunteer activities. I further agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Keep Massachusetts Beautiful Inc., and its directors, officers, contractors, employees, or agents from liability for any damage or injuries resulting from my actions, that are found to be outside the scope of the approved activities. I acknowledge that I cannot make any claims against Keep Massachusetts Beautiful Inc., its directors, officers, contractors, employees, or agents for any injury, loss, or damage to person (including bodily injury or death) or property suffered while participating in the Massachusetts Litter Cleanup Crew.