Millis Beautification Day

You can make a difference—volunteers of all ages are needed to help beautify the Millis landscape by raking leaves, weeding, and removing litter and brush at designated landmark town sites such as the Veterans Memorial Building, Millis Library, Clyde Brown School, and Richardson's Pond as well as along main roads. “The final number of sites will depend on how many volunteers sign up. The more people who register the more sites can be assigned. We hope to have over 200 people,” comments Bill Lawson, Co-Chairman, “and with private citizens volunteering, we free up a lot of Department of Public Works money for other purposes, like repairing roads."
Registration for Millis Beautification Day begins at 8:30 AM at the registration tent on the front lawn of Veterans Memorial Building—Rain or Shine. Coffee, tea, hot chocolate, and donuts will be provided, courtesy of Roche Bros, Dunkin Donuts, and McDonalds. For more information or to pre-register and be assigned a specific clean-up site, contact Bill Lawson.