It should come as no surprise to learn that spring litter cleanups around the state are being postponed or canceled due to concerns about the coronavirus.
While we are disappointed that Great Massachusetts Cleanup events won’t be taking place this spring, we understand that everyone’s safety and health is a higher priority. Because let’s be frank—the litter will still be there waiting for us when this crisis passes!
At this time, we encourage our local Keep Massachusetts Beautiful chapters and other litter cleanup groups around the state to designate Saturday, October 3 as the new date for a statewide fall litter cleanup. Keep in mind that the October date is subject to change. If you have an event listed on our events calendar for April or May, please let us know if you want us to change the date of your event.
For those Massachusetts residents who are interested in getting outside and cleaning up litter in areas near their homes or in their neighborhoods, please keep the following safety tips in mind:
- Wear rubber, thick canvas, or leather gloves. Use proper technique when removing gloves and wash your hands immediately upon returning home.
- Practice physical distancing and keep 6 feet apart. Consider venturing out only with your immediate family members. Consider wearing masks too.
- If you include children, make sure they are CLOSELY supervised.
- Use a trash grabber tool, such as an EZ Grabber or even a set of old kitchen tongs. We are providing a supply of EZ Grabbers to our local KMB chapters, so you may want to contact a local chapter to see if you can borrow their tools. Here is a list of local KMB chapters.
- Disinfect gloves and tools after each use
- Wear brightly colored clothing and clean up in the direction of oncoming traffic. Do not wander into the street.
- If you find a needle, syringe, or any drug paraphernalia, DO NOT TOUCH. Contact your local police department.
- Place the trash you collect into your home trash barrel, if you can. However, if you don’t have the space or can’t manage transporting it to your home, simply tie up the bags and leave them on the side of the road. Contact your local DPW and ask them to pick up the bags.
Finally, take some photos and post them on social media with #keepmassbeautiful. Feel free to tag a friend or family member and challenge them to clean up their own street or neighborhood.
Thank you for keeping Massachusetts beautiful during these difficult times.
Stay safe and stay healthy!